Friday, January 22, 2010

Assignment for January 31, 2010 (Week 3)

I viewed Kathy Cassidy's presentation, Media Literacy In the First Grade, for a course, EDM 310, at the University of South Alabama. I was impressed with the children's ability to understand blogging and navigate through the Internet to find their class blog. Kudos to Ms. Cassidy for including Character Education into her presentation. She is teaching the children at a very early age to be respectful in their comments when blogging. Teaching computer literacy is important, but teaching children to be respectful and kind to others is a life skill that all children should learn early in life. Am I ready for these children? I have 15 Kindergartners this year....I better be ready for them!

Wow! Letting your students use their in class....that is genius! I just wonder how the administration in Moose Jaw view this approach. I am pretty sure that my administrators and parents would frown upon this method. Maybe I should try it to see their reaction. No, I am not that brave!

In the video, ,IPhone Used by 1 yr old baby the parents are very proud of their child. I was not impressed. The child is precious and no doubt the pride and joy of the parents, but the whole idea was a bit much. I see Dr. Strange's point that teachers need to be ready for a technologically advanced generation of children. The whole concept of keeping up with our students' ability to use technology in the classroom is very important. I get it, but I would rather see that baby holding a board book of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? or Goodnight Moon.

I listened to the 6 suggested podcasts found in the Blog Assignments. Most of the topics were interesting although I was very happy to have access to the "player head". I have to say that I am a visual learner so I found the Teaching with SmartBoard Lesson on Pre-Algebra the most interesting. I am not a huge math fan, but the lesson was interesting to me because of the visual component. As a student, I see how this teacher can effectively reach her students who learn in many varied ways.

Dan Schmit in the KidCast podcast #62 brought up many logistical questions that may have been overlooked in the planning of webcasts, podcasts, etc. How does an entire class share one camera or one microphone? There are simple solutions, but you have to plan ahead. I found one discussion point that I think we have forgotten about in our EDM 310 class, Teacher Monitoring. Mr. Schmit used the term, "Gatekeeper". I'm not sure about the wording, but it got my attention. As we introduce technology to our students, we need to make sure we teach them how to use them appropriately. I am not referring to "the use of the equipment", but explaining the "risks" involved in the use of technology. Our students need to be taught what is acceptable or at least appropriate behavior when using technology. Gatekeeper is better than Cyber- Police!

Teachers Teaching Teachers podcast, although it was all audio, caught my attention with an interesting topic- Gaming. I realize that when you make a podcast, having a "catchy" title will peak someone's interest. As I was using the "player head" (yes, I've found a new toy), I found myself learning and "playing" at the same time while using technology. I teach Kindergartners so I realize the importance of my students "playing" while they are learning. I think offering the concept of older students "playing games" while learning through the use of technology should be more readily embarrassed. We are never to old to learn or to play. As teachers, we just need to have balance in our classrooms.

In the EdTalk podcast of Instructional Design Live the phrase of students building a teaching and learning community is great! Students take ownership of their learning because they are "owner's and creators of a product". I love that! The podcaster must choose words and phrases that catch the audiences attention. Capturing the attention of such a vast audience has to be very challenging. Creating a podcast and teaching in the classroom share many similarities. You must be creative in your approach and capture the attention of your audience, whether your audience is on the web or in the classroom.

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