Saturday, February 6, 2010

Assignment for February 7 (Week 4 )

To help prepare for my group's podcast, I chose to review Langwitches blog, It’s Not About the Tools. It’s About the Skills.

It is interesting how no matter where you teach or what grade level you teach, parents always fear the unknown. The blog suggests that parents began to feel uncomfortable when unfamiliar topics (innovative teaching styles) are presented. Parents are so intimidated and begin to question, "What are you teaching my child?". I realize that I need to approach my innovative ideas differently when discussing my approach to teaching in the classroom.
I like the term "Teaching Across the Curriculum. I have found it to be a very effective term that sounds very professional and less intimidating to parents. Consider the phrase, it is all inclusive. Yes, you are teaching all of the basics and more when you use technology. Parents immediately shut down when you throw words like "Skype and Delicious" at them creating the fear of the unknown. These terms do not sound very educational to me and a bit scary. Terminology is key. Once you have captured their attention using "Teaching Across the Curriculum", parents are intrigued in learning how you plan on approaching this concept. Peak their curiosity and they will be curious to learn more. Hopefully, as teachers, we can achieve the same goal with our students. I hope my group's podcast will capture the interest of others and help them see the positive benefits of using technology in the classroom.

Comments For Kids

This week I commented on AshlieMKSblog. Ashlie is in Mr. C's Class. Ashlie had a cartoon image for her blog titled, My Charlie: Snowie Nhit. It was an interesting cartoon.


  1. Michelle, I too like the term, "Teaching Across the Curriculum." It is a way that teachers, parents, and all others whom are not familiar with different ways of teaching by use of technology can feel comfortable. I think that the biggest part of people being scared of technology is because of the terminology being used. Taking an easy more friendly approach will turn so many more on to the idea of incorporating Skype or Delicious into everyday curriculum!

  2. I agree that more people need to "Teach Across the Cirriculum." But, when doing this we need to keep in mind that the more new things that we are trying the more that we need to keep the parents involved. The more that we involve the parents the more that they will be open to the new ways of teaching that we are going to try.
